COUNTERPART® Seamless Solidworks Integration

Increase Visibility • Collaboration • Efficiency • Profits

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COUNTERPART is the right ERP solution for your team

COUNTERPART® provides your team access to all the live information they need to do their jobs better. Through a direct integration with your Solidworks software, there is no longer a need to export BOMs, use spreadsheets, or manually enter data into your ERP. Share information with those who need it, see real-time progress, and allow your business to leverage the information to increase efficiencies in engineering, procurement, manufacturing and more.


Implementing an ERP into your company can create a lot of benefits for your team, but the clearest benefits are noticed through the improved workflow and increased amount of visibility.

Increase visibility

COUNTERPART makes it possible to communicate with your entire team through a single app. From engineering, to procurement, to assembly and manufacturing. You will have everything you need in one space so that each party has 100% visibility into the project. This removes the probability of errors, and ensures everyone has the most updated BOMs and REVs.

Increase collaboration

With increased transparency, comes increased collaboration. Each party involved in the process from engineering to manufacturing can collaborate within COUNTERPART. From drawing files to BOMs created directly in your CAD software everyone has access to the same data, saving time, and ensuring accurate data.

Increase efficiency

Creating BOMs directly in your Solidworks software removes a lot of duplicated work, and simplifies the overall workload for your entire team. It removes the need for any double entry, or messy excel sheets, and lets your engineers stick to engineering projects, not administrative tasks.

Increase profits

With time savings, and increased production levels, the only thing left is profit. COUNTERPART not only improves your organizational workflow, but it also tracks and helps to perfect inventory management to make sure that you have the right parts, at the right times, and are remaining efficient.



Seamless SOLIDWORDS integration makes COUNTERPART a perfect fit for engineering teams. Improving communication, workflows, and creating complete and accurate BOMs directly in your existing software package keeps the engineers focused on the work they are hired to do.


Increase project efficiency by eliminating the need for reports to know what comes next while automatically prioritizing the next actions. The integration will also improve the speed and efficiency of issuing PO’s through the PDM integration. You can reduce the number and frequency of PO’s that each project requires by allowing multiple jobs on a single PO, and still seamlessly tracking the costing and picking/kitting of all items on that single order.

Assembly & Manufacturing

COUNTERPART gives you the ability to manage your workflows, and optimize priority for assembly. You will get visibility of all parts and their status, with instant access to drawings/models. This allows you to know what is ready, when it’s ready, and provides an overall improvement in project visibility. 

Here’s what our customers are saying

The time to manufacturing has been reduced from 4 weeks down to about 2 weeks. There's no manual Excel spreadsheets or Bill of Material updates needed.
Fogg Filler Company
Seeing that big picture overall is incredibly helpful for team leads to see what's in front of them and manage that work queue.
GP Reeves
Seeing that big picture overall is incredibly helpful for team leads to see what's in front of them and manage that work queue.
Wade GP Reeves
GP Reeves
I like how Counterpart ® synchs parts and drawing information directly from Solidworks ® so that the system is always up to date.
Egan Food Technologies
I like how Counterpart® synchs parts and drawing information directly from Solidworks® so that the system is always up to date.
Egan Food Technologies
The time to manufacturing has been reduced from 4 weeks down to about 2 weeks. There's no manual Excel spreadsheets or Bill of Material updates needed.
Fogg Filler Company
The time to manufacturing has been reduced from 4 weeks down to about 2 weeks. There's no manual Excel spreadsheets or Bill of Material updates needed.
Fogg Filler Company
Seeing that big picture overall is incredibly helpful for team leads to see what's in front of them and manage that work queue.
GP Reeves

Recent Blogs and Case Studies

8 Reasons an Engineering ERP Makes Manufacturing Better

8 Reasons an Engineering ERP Makes Manufacturing Better

As an Engineer, you do a lot of clicking – mouse clicks to be specific. You do it in your design software, you do it to open and close other applications like spreadsheets and project management software. And you spend a lot of time clicking fields and...

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: Does COUNTERPART provide real-time job costing?
: How does COUNTERPART handle my Bill of Materials?
: How easy is it to find older data within COUNTERPART?
: How is procurement handled within COUNTERPART?
: How will I see my information in COUNTERPART?
: Is COUNTERPART a good solution for custom manufacturers?
: What technologies are behind COUNTERPART?
: Will COUNTERPART let me make changes once I’ve released parts from my BOM?
: Will COUNTERPART let me order long lead items and partial assemblies during the design phase?
: How does the workflow move information through COUNTERPART?
: How does COUNTERPART track projects and jobs?
: How does COUNTERPART keep track of important events within a project?
: Does COUNTERPART integrate with my CAD system?
: Does COUNTERPART allow me to see the procurement status of items?
: Do I have to buy everything to inventory before it can go to a job?